First name::Ana
Middle name::No tengo :)
Like your name::Love it!!!!
Named after anyone::No
Any nicknames::Anita (my mother hates it)
Time you were born::No idea ( early)
Current location::Ireland
Like your height::Yes!!!!
Eye color::Blue
Hair color::Brown
Natural hair color::Brown
Dye your hair often::No
Righty or lefty::Righty
Your favorite…
Type of music::Everything!!!!
Band or singer:: Too difficult
TV show::None.
TV channel::National Geografic
Radio station::105.5 The Vulcan
Place to be::Outside
Thing to do::Run
Food::Chocolate, Cinnamon
Non alcoholic drink::Water
Alcoholic drink::Beer
Holiday::Grases Festival (Long story)
Sport::Running, Soccer
Place to shop::My local organic shop in Rathfarman
Magazine::Runners, Vogue and Wine and Food
This or that…
Chocolate or vanilla::Chocolate
Pepsi or coke::Coke
Hot or cold::Cold
Black or white::Black
Dog or cat::Dog
French toast or pancakes::Pancakes
French fries or onion rings::Onion rings
Hamburger or hot dog::Hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage::Sausage
Britney or Christina::Britney forever!!!!!
McDonalds or Burger King::none
50 Cent or Eminem::Eninem
Canada or Mexico::ummmm MEXICO!!!!
Hug or kiss::Hug
Movies or TV::Movies
Truth or dare::Truth
Do you…
Shower daily::Yes
Sing in the shower::Sometimes
Like to sing::No
Like to dance::Yes
Talk to yourself::Sometimes
Believe in yourself::Always
Play an instrument::Yes
Go to school::Yes
Go to college::Yes
Have a job::Yes
Like your job::.........
Want to get married::Maybe
Want to have kids::Maybe
Get along with your parents::Yes
Get along with your siblings::Yes
Do you think you’re trustworthy::Yes
Think your funny::Occasionally
Do you wash your hands frequently::Yes
How many time a day do you brush your teeth::2
Collect anything::No
Ever been in love::Yes
In love right now::Maybe
What color pants are you wearing right now::Black
How does your hair look::Awesome
Ever had your heartbroken::Yes
Ever broken the law::Yes
Been arrested::Maybe
Been out of the country::Yes
Can you stick your fist in your mouth::No
When was the last time you got drunk::I don't remenber :)
Do you do drugs::No
When was the last time you were high on anything::No
Do you prefer the lights on or off::On
Would you ever get plastic surgery::No
Do you prefer boxers or briefs::Boxer briefs
Do you like to laugh::Yes, very much
Ever had a bloody nose::No
Have you ever caught a fish::Yes
What was the last thing you ate::Pineapple and banana fries with extra honey and cinnamon
What time do you go to bed::1 AM
Do you like to give or recieve::Give
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone::Maybe
Do you live alone::Sometimes
Do you own a blender::Yes
Do you like the snow::No
Ever been up a mountain::Yes
Ever been rootin’::No
Do you like surprises::Yes